Deals in Details

Deal Updated on : January 13, 2025
  1. Ramen Izakaya
  2. Currently 5 stores, 7 stores scheduled to open by 2024
  3. Famous in Cambodia as a Japanese ramen pub

Deal Highlights

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Vietnam Travel Business

  1. Extensive partnership network
  2. Providing comprehensive travel services
  3. Brand trust and reputation

Approximately 1.3 Billion Yen

Cambodia Restaurant

  1. Ramen Izakaya
  2. Currently 5 stores, 7 stores scheduled to open by 2024
  3. Famous in Cambodia as a Japanese ramen pub

Vietnam – Waste disposal, recycling

  1. It is possible to separate household waste, generate electricity, and produce fertilizer and organic agricultural products.
  2. Plans to expand power generation business
  3. Total area of ​​9 hectares or more

Approximately 75 Million Yen